TAP Services
Who is behind TAP Services? I am Thomas Wagemakers. TAP Services was founded in 2016 and has grown into more than just a hobby in a short time. Through various jobs I rolled into stripping old power cables. In the beginning this was with a Stanley knife, later this became a simple second-hand cable stripping machine. After a while it became more difficult to get good cables. That is why I have decided to continue selling cable strippers.
Then the TSK cable stripping machines were created. The machines are composed of various types of cable strippers, whereby we have combined the best properties into 1 machine. The TSK cable stripping machines strip many types of cable. From thin VD wire to thick installation cable, but also thin flexible cables of electrical appliances can be stripped.
If you have any questions after reading and viewing the website, feel free to call or email! I am happy to give you honest and expert advice.I would like you to check out the website and send an email to the framework! I am happy to give you honest and expert advice.
Thomas Wagemakers